Managed e-commerce cloud hosting.

You want an online store that is highly available, performant and secure? We have the solution!

With main cloud solutions, you make the right choice to take your e-commerce platform to the next level.

We take care of first-class cloud hosting for your store system. You focus on exceptional e-commerce content. Together we’ll provide your customers with the best shopping experience possible.
main cloud solutions

What is cloud hosting?

Maybe you know this problem: Before the holidays, your online store is overloaded, the speed is severely impaired and long loading times unnerve you and your customers. In the worst case, your store is no longer accessible at all.

With the cloud hosting solution from main cloud solutions, you can be sure that this phenomenon is a thing of the past! With cloud hosting, the power needed to run your e-commerce platform is provided from a network of many interconnected resources. Depending on the workload, the computing power can be provided immediately and scalable as required. Your online store thus remains high-performant and highly available even during peak loads, since theoretically unlimited capacities are available to it. High availability stands for almost uninterrupted accessibility. The guarantee of 100% reliability is an unrealistic advertising promise and not economically viable. However, you can be sure that main cloud solutions will bring you as close as possible to a fail-safe store.

If the accesses to your online store decrease again, the cloud also dynamically scales down the required resources. Thus, the optimal hosting performance for you is provided at all times.

How do you benefit from cloud hosting?

A decision for cloud hosting is a decision to maximize your growth potential. The basis for this is the careful planning and setup of an architecture and infrastructure in the cloud that is adapted to your needs. In addition to this technical framework, reliable management in the cloud is also a decisive factor in the further course. As a hoster, main cloud solutions takes over these tasks so that you can use your resources for your core business. Thus, our respective competences are used in the most efficient way.

The characteristics of cloud hosting in combination with the synergies of our partnership ultimately lead to what is crucial for your online store – and ultimately for your customers: a highly available and fast store with excellent performance and great content. Most importantly, state-of-the-art security concepts and technologies ensure that your systems are secure and your data is protected and handled in a DSGVO-compliant manner. Even maximally data-sensitive organizations like the federal government of Germany and financial institutions rely on the security of a cloud solution. Find out how cloud hosting can also positively impact your business when it comes to sustainability here.



Your online store will withstand even the highest loads and absorb high access numbers – at any time, from any location!



Automatic adjustment of resources! The required performance is flexibly provided from the network and long loading times are prevented – Autoscaling rocks!

IT security

IT security

Highest security standards, encryptions and access controls provide a real Fort Knox – your systems are safe from unwanted access!

Data security

Data protection

DSGVO compliance in the processing and storage of your data. You decide where your data is located, e.g. in the Frankfurt a.M. data center.

Added value

Added value

We provide your customers with an available, fast and dynamically growing store – and you provide them with compelling content!

We bring e-commerce to the cloud.

No matter whether you want to start a new store project or migrate an existing online store. For store hosting in the cloud, main cloud solutions is the right partner at your side. It is important to us to support you in your digital transformation with a holistic approach. From the initial idea to the complete process of your move to the cloud to the ongoing operation. We provide you with full support in the areas of cloud migration and cloud managed services.

Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration.

Cloud Migration describes the process of moving your e-commerce platform from an on-premises data center to the cloud environment. Our team of experts will work with you through each phase of the store migration.

Our services for your transformation:

  • Analysis of your existing system landscape
  • Advice on selecting the right cloud provider for you
  • Design of a cloud architecture tailored to your needs
  • Planning of an intelligent and detailed strategy for the complete project process
  • Implementation of the migration up to go-live
Cloud Managed Services

Cloud Managed Services.

Cloud Managed Services stand for all measures for the administration and maintenance of the cloud environment. As experts in e-commerce cloud hosting, we take over the complete management of the cloud infrastructure so that you can focus your resources on your core business.

Our services for smooth operation:

  • Deployment: offer, configuration and maintenance of infrastructure and applications.
  • Performance: e.g. DDoS protection service, CDN, caching, Redis, special know-how
  • Monitoring: e.g. 24/7 system monitoring, logging, alerts
  • Security: e.g. firewalls, DSGVO measures
  • Support: e.g. 24/7 emergency service, SLA

Why main cloud solutions? That’s why.

We are IT, e-commerce and cloud experts. The bundled competence portfolio of main cloud solutions is simply the most powerful you can find.

With main cloud solutions, you don’t just get an arbitrary hoster for your e-commerce platform. With us, you gain a long-term technology partner at your side who supports the healthy growth of your business. Our commitment is not only to implement your project professionally and successfully, but to stand by you as a trustworthy partner at all times.

Our focus is on e-commerce cloud hosting and we specialize in Shopware hosting. However, we are also happy to bring other e-commerce software and applications (e.g. ERP, PIM, CRM, CMS, etc.) into the cloud for you. Even if you prefer a hybrid solution and would like to combine your local hosting with the scalable infrastructure of a cloud, main cloud solutions is the right choice for you. Just contact us.

Our stack in the cloud.



Kubernetes is open source software for automated management of containerized applications. The industry standard thereby facilitates the setup, deployment, scaling and maintenance of containers. At main cloud solutions, you can choose between different Kubernetes models.

  • Cloud Managed Kubernetes
  • main cloud solutions Managed Kubernetes
  • On-Premise Kubernetes
Managed Web Services

Managed Web-Services

Managed Web-Services stands for the provision and administration of web applications and services, and we use these services, among others.

  • Azure App Service
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Google App Engine
Managed Databases

Managed Databases

Managed Databases describes the setup, administration, and maintenance of databases, where we use the following fully managed database services, among others.

  • Azure Database for MySQL
  • Amazon RDS (with Aurora)
  • Google Cloud SQL for MySQL


To deploy your resources in the cloud, we use a virtual network environment that we configure for your functionalities. Microsoft, Amazon and Google virtual networks are available.

  • Azure Virtual Network (VNET)
  • AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Do you have further requirements?

These companies rely on main cloud solutions.

Sodexo Logo
Bosch - GROW Platform Logo
Cube Logo
Eintracht Frankfurt Logo

Our cloud providers.

At main cloud solutions, you benefit from the power of the three major providers Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). In addition, we are also happy to work with any other cloud provider you prefer, such as DigitalOcean or Hetzner. What sets the world’s three leading hyperscalers apart is the incredible number of features and applications. In addition to the many services, the topics of security and sustainability also play an enormously important role with the market leaders.

Choosing the right cloud provider for you is a key aspect that we work out together with you as part of the cloud migration. We would like to give you a first impression of the three major providers in the following.

Microsoft Azure Logo

Microsoft Azure

The cloud solution from Microsoft shines with an exceptionally powerful cloud infrastructure. Especially when it comes to speed and hybrid cloud solutions, Azure can convince.

For companies that use many Windows applications, Azure is a logical choice. Its tight integration with Microsoft 365 makes the move to the cloud straightforward, simple and fast.

Azure is a sensible investment for you if you want hosting to grow dynamically with your business. As with AWS, professional know-how is essential for configuring and administering the cloud functions.

Amazon Web Services Logo

Amazon Web Services

Amazon’s biggest strength is its dominance in the public cloud market. Of the major providers, AWS has been in the market the longest and has the most experience and reach.

AWS brings a huge and ever-growing toolset and range of available services. In addition, the industry pioneer has the most comprehensive network of global data centers.

AWS is of particular interest to large enterprises with large storage and data resources.

Google Cloud Logo

Google Cloud

Google impresses with in-depth, technical expertise and convinces with industry-leading tools in the areas of deep learning and artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analysis.

The platform’s offering of features and applications is a bit smaller than Azure and AWS. However, Google Cloud could be the right choice for companies that need to network large amounts of data.

If anyone knows about Big Data and AI, it’s Google!

Cloud providers and sustainability.

Sustainability in the sense of energy efficiency and climate neutrality is a global growth topic. The major cloud providers can be credited with a pioneering role here, because the high energy requirements for operating their large data centers have been driving the industry leaders for years to invest heavily in more efficient structures in order to remain profitable in the long term and to set a good example.

Just a glance at the websites of Microsoft, Amazon and Google shows the high priority that the topic of sustainability has taken on at the corporate level and especially in the cloud sector. The wealth of information and comprehensive reporting as well as the goals communicated there for the next few years underscore the increased importance:

Microsoft Azure Logo

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft aims to achieve 100% renewable energy supply by 2025. From 2030, the company is to be not only CO2-neutral, but immediately CO2-negative, i.e. remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than is emitted. By 2050, it even aims to offset all emissions that have been emitted into the atmosphere since the company was founded.

Amazon Web Services Logo

Amazon Web Services

AWS also plans to power its operations from 100% renewable energy by 2025. By 2040, operations are to be completely CO2-neutral.

Google Cloud Logo

Google Cloud

Google already covers its annual electricity consumption entirely through the use of renewable energy. By 2030, the goal is to achieve 24/7 completely CO2-free operation of all data centers and sites.

Cloud Nachhaltigkeit

Cloud technology as a sustainability driver for companies.

You too can lower your energy costs and reduce your corporate carbon footprint by moving to the cloud. The comparison with the car-sharing concept is often used in this context. By sharing resources on demand with Azure, AWS or GCP, overall resources can be saved, similar to carpooling. In addition, the more energy-efficient technologies can also result in a reduction in power consumption.

Have questions or want more information?

We look forward to hearing from you!